
unusual facts about Netbot

Oren Etzioni

Etzioni is an entrepreneur who has founded or co-founded several business ventures, including MetaCrawler (bought by Infospace), Netbot (bought by Excite), and Clearforest (bought by Reuters).


Netbot |

Comparison shopping agent

The first commercial shopping agent, called Jango, was produced by Netbot, a Seattle startup company founded by University of Washington professors Oren Etzioni and Daniel S. Weld; Netbot was acquired by the Excite portal in late 1997.

Daniel S. Weld

Weld co-founded Netbot Incorporated (1996), which was acquired by Excite; AdRelevance (1998), which was acquired by Media Metrix and then by Nielsen NetRatings; and Nimble Technology (1999), which was acquired by Actuate.

see also