These were adopted for the Netscape Navigator web browser for colors in its extended palette, and in turn recognized by Mosaic and Internet Explorer.
Netscape Navigator was based on the Mosaic web browser, which was co-written by Marc Andreessen, a part-time employee of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and a student at the University of Illinois.
During development, the Netscape browser was known by the code name Mozilla, which became the name of a Godzilla-like cartoon dragon mascot used prominently on the company's web site.
Five of the six plaintiffs downloaded Netscape Communicator, which consists of Netscape Navigator and other web software, from the Netscape website, and all five of them acknowledge that they clicked "Yes", indicating assent to the terms of the click-wrap license agreement for Communicator.
Netscape | Netscape Navigator | navigator | Henry the Navigator | Hanno the Navigator | Netscape Communicator | William Strickland (navigator) | Tupaia (navigator) | ''Stena Navigator'' | Lincoln Navigator | Global Network Navigator | Flight of the Navigator | Surgical Segment Navigator | Navigator Records | Navigator | Knowledge Navigator |
Tag soup pages also displayed or operated incorrectly in older browsers, and required multiple code forks such as JavaScript for Netscape Navigator and JScript for Internet Explorer that added to the cost and complexity of development.
This development strategy, called "release early, release often", was perhaps epitomized in the development of the Netscape Navigator Web browser.
However, apparent quotations hidden in Netscape and Mozilla give this impression by revealing passages in the style of apocalyptic literature, such as the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
After AOL outsourced the development of Netscape Browser 8 to Mercurial Communications in 2004, Netscape Navigator 9 marked the first Netscape browser to be produced in-house since Netscape 7.