New Battles Without Honor and Humanity also known as Another Battle (2000) (directed by Junji Sakamoto)
Medal of Honor | Habitat for Humanity | National Honor Society | Ring of Honor | Battles of Lexington and Concord | Seven Days Battles | Debt of Honor | Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity | Honor Blackman | DivisiĆ³n de Honor de Rugby | humanity | honor society | Battles of Saratoga | toast (honor) | Three battles of Sarbakusa | Soft Beds, Hard Battles | Philippine Legion of Honor | Humanity | Honor Harger | Honor Award | Battles of Narvik | Architecture for Humanity | Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots | Title of honor | Star Fleet Battles | Prizzi's Honor | Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes | Medal of Honor: Warfighter | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun | Made of Honor |