
unusual facts about New Guinea campaign

Norm Young

Norm was born in 1938, the son of an Australian soldier killed in the New Guinea campaign of World War II.

Clive Caldwell

This was viewed with concern by high commanders, to such extent that the Allied air commander in the South West Pacific, Major General George Kenney, considered sending the wing to the New Guinea campaign, and returning U.S. Fifth Air Force fighter units to Darwin.

Operation Mo

During the Japanese Navy's planning of their New Guinea Campaign (air strikes against Lae and Salamaua, disembarkation in Huon Gulf, New Britain (Rabaul), New Ireland (Kavieng), Finch Harbor (also called Finschhafen), and the capture of Morobe and Buna), it envisioned those territories as support points to implement the capture of Port Moresby.

Shigetoshi Miyazaki

He was close friends with the commander of the Guadalcanal defenses, General Harukichi Hyakutake, and Hyakutake approved his plans to build Henderson Field in the Lunga area in order to support the Japanese New Guinea campaign.

see also