
2 unusual facts about Gulf of Guinea

700 Naval Air Squadron

The submarine was damaged and forced to surrender, and later scuttled off the Gulf of Guinea.

Jamestown/Usshertown, Accra

Located directly east of the Korle Lagoon, Jamestown and Usshertown are the oldest districts in the city of Accra, Ghana and emerged as communities around the 17th century British James Fort and Ussher Fort on the Gulf of Guinea coast.

Afrocarpus mannii

Afrocarpus mannii is an evergreen coniferous tree native to the Afromontane forests of São Tomé Island in the Gulf of Guinea, growing at altitudes of 1,300 m up to the summit at 2,024 m.


British traders became the dominant European presence in the region by the mid-19th century, and the Crown used them to enforce abolition of the slave trade in the Gulf of Guinea.

Charles Bellamy

Bellamy would later raid fishing vessels based in Placentia Bay however, by 1718, Bellamy was forced to flee to the safe havens of Madagascar of the Gulf of Guinea like so many other pirates of the region.

Chica da Silva

She lived mainly in Arraial do Tijuco (nowadays known as Diamantina) and was the daughter of a Portuguese man, Antônio Caetano de Sá and his black enslaved lover, Maria da Costa, who was probably from the Gulf of Guinea or Bahia.

Hanmer Warrington

Clapperton was accompanied by Richard Lemon Lander, whom he had hired as a servant and it was Lander who finally solved the puzzle of the Niger by sailing all the way down from Timbuktu to the Gulf of Guinea and the Niger delta.

Mário Soares

In March 1968, Soares was arrested again by PIDE, and a military tribunal sentenced him to banishment in the colony of São Tomé in the Gulf of Guinea.

Sooty Tern

The Field Museum, for example, has a male specimen which was found exhausted on August 2, 1933 on the slopes of Mount Cameroon above Buea, about 1000 m (3,500 ft) ASL, after foul weather had hit the Gulf of Guinea.

Windward Islands

Vessels in the Atlantic slave trade departing from the African Gold Coast and Gulf of Guinea, would first encounter the southeasternmost islands of the Lesser Antilles in their west-northwesterly heading to final destinations in the Caribbean and North and Central America.

see also