
2 unusual facts about New Hanover Island

Graphium browni

Graphium browni is a butterfly found in Oceania - New Britain, Duke of York Islands, New Hanover Island, St Matthias Islands that belongs to the Swallowtail family.

New Hanover

New Hanover Island is a volcanic island in the Bismarck Archipelago of Papua New Guinea

Bismarck Sea

By the Northern and Northeastern coasts of the islands of New Ireland, New Hanover, the Admiralty Islands, Hermit Island, and the Ninigo Group, through Manu and Aua Islands to Wuvulu Island and thence a line to Baudissin Point in New Guinea (142°02'E).


Found on the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, including Umboi, New Britain, Gasmata (off the southern coast), Duke of York and nearby Mioko, New Ireland and nearby Tatau (off the east coast), the New Hanover Islands and Nissan Island, the type locality given is "Nouvelle Irlande" (New Ireland).

see also