
2 unusual facts about New Lanark

André-Daniel Laffon de Ladebat

The same year, after a stay in England where he studied the new community and industrial organization systems implemented by Robert Owen at New Lanark, de Ladebat translated the works of Henry Grey Macnab, which relate and analyse his pioneering experiences working for the "Relief and most useful employment of the working class and the poor, and for the education of their children."

New Lanark

In 1825, control of New Lanark passed to the Walker family when Owen left Britain to start settlement of New Harmony in the US.

Hyndford Quarry

In recent years, the operators have announced controversial plans to extend Hyndford Quarry towards the UNESCO World Heritage Site of New Lanark and the Falls of Clyde which is a part of the Clyde Valley Woodlands National Nature Reserve.

Lanark Lanimers

An official ride-out around the March stones takes place on Wednesday night, followed by the presentation of the New Lanark Loving Cup to the Queen-Elect at New Lanark.

Stanley, Perthshire

, Richard Arkwright, an inventor of cotton-spinning machinery was persuade by, George Dempster (the Local MP), when Dempster was visiting Cromford in Derbyshire, to come to Scotland to set up a cotton mill in Stanley as well as one at New Lanark.

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