
3 unusual facts about New Urbanism

Cathedraltown, Ontario

The community exemplifies many elements of New Urbanism, including offering a range of residential units, the use of rear laneways and traditional Georgian architecture, as well as the prominence of institutional buildings.

Environmental design

Nowadays, energy efficiency, appropriate technology, organic horticulture and agriculture, land restoration, New Urbanism, and ecologically sustainable energy and waste systems are recognized considerations or options and may each find application.

Glenwood Park

The neighborhood is an example of New Urbanism, promoting a sense of community with walkable streets and closely spaced residential units that are mixed in with office, retail, and green space.

Bicycle City

The concept of Bicycle City has been influenced by the ideas of new urbanism, smart growth development and healthy, active communities, as well as the work of people such as Frank Lloyd Wright, John Naisbitt, Andreas Duany, Paolo Soleri, John Robbins, Scott Martin, Maria Montessori, Richard Register, and J.H. Crawford.

Franklin Toker

Franklin Toker is a professor of the History of Art and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh and the author of eight books on the history of art and architecture, ranging from the excavations he conducted under Santa Reparata, Florence to 21st century American Urbanism.

Hawthorne, Philadelphia

The four MLK towers were imploded on October 17, 1999, and have been slowly replaced with a mix of low-rise public housing, based on New Urbanism ideas, thanks to the HOPE VI program.

Mixed-income housing

Three specific movements and sets of scholarship converged to influence HUD's specific strategies, policies, and programs: the scholarship of William Julius Wilson in his book, The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy; the National Commission on Severely Distressed Public Housing report that called for a significant portion of the nation’s public housing be repaired; and the emergence of New Urbanism.

Sustainable Urbanism

New Urbanism inspired Farr's definition of Sustainable Urbanism is based around bringing everything closer together, using higher quality goods, being more efficient, and having everything within walking distance, but Sustainable urbanism closes the loop.

The Wilson Quarterly

In “The Second Coming of the American Small Town” in 1992, Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk offered an early in-depth look at the New Urbanism and some of the animating ideas behind Smart Growth.

Ville Radieuse

New Urbanists such as James Howard Kunstler criticise the Ville Radieuse concept for its lack of human scale and connection to its surroundings.

see also

North Potomac, Maryland

Travilah Square, long the area's only shopping center, is now facing tough competition from a new breed of new urbanism lifestyle centers, which contain a multitude of retailers, from Giant Food to new boutique chains.