This approach draws heavily on the use of Newtonian like analogue and usually has as it starting point the FRW background around which perturbations are developed.
Using the streamfunction solution, Torza derived analytical expressions for the velocity fields that could be used to derive analytical expressions for hydrodynamic stress on the interface for incompressible Newtonian fluids.
Through his study with Heidegger, Boss came to believe that that modern medicine and psychology, premised on Cartesian philosophy and Newtonian physics, made incorrect assumptions about human beings and what it means to be human.
In 1948 Toms discovered by experiments that the addition of a small amount of polymer into a turbulent Newtonian solvent (parts per million by weight), which
Newtonian physics can be cast in relational terms, but Newton insisted, for philosophical reasons, on absolute (container) space.
Einstein rejected the Newtonian concept and identified t as the fourth coordinate of a space-time four-vector.
The completed telescope weighs over 7,500 pounds, and is an f/7 Newtonian.
These relativistic and Newtonian transformations are expressed in spaces of general dimension in terms of representations of the Poincaré group and of the Galilean group.
His work in optics, and his polemics against the reigning Newtonian theory of optics, were poorly received by the scientific establishment of his time.
He has made significant seminal contributions in the specific areas of finite element method, plate theory, solid mechanics, variational methods, mechanics of composites, functionally graded materials, fracture mechanics, plasticity, biomechanics, classical and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, and applied functional analysis.
In 2004, Bekenstein greatly boosted Mordehai Milgrom’s theory of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) by developing a relativistic version.
Voltaire popularised Newtonian science, including the content of the both the Principia and the Opticks, in his Elements de la philosophie de Newton (1738), and after about 1750 the combination of the experimental methods exemplified by the Opticks and the mathematical methods exemplified by the Principia were established as a unified and comprehensive model of Newtonian science.
Augustin Berque analyses landscape space by comparing Newtonian universal space and Cartesian dualistic space, in which there is a distinct separation between subject and object, and Chinese mediumistic space, in which a unity of landscape and environment corresponds to a unity of mind and body.