He was Co-ordinator for establishing ancillary Industrial units around the Space Centre in 1970, Referee to review papers for International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Pergamon Press, Newyork and Examiner of Post graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, for Kerala University, California University, B.I.T., Ranchi and I.I.T., Madras.
NYP-EMS operates one of the largest American Heart Association Emergency Cardiac Care training centers in New York.
The Presbyterian Hospital was founded in 1868 by James Lenox, a New York philanthropist and was associated with Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
As a result of this meeting, Weiner, Ford and other associates decided to replicate Radio Caroline as Radio Newyork International from a ship to be anchored in international waters off Jones Beach, Long Island, New York.
Radio Newyork International was the name of a pirate radio station which broadcast from a ship anchored in international waters off Jones Beach, New York, USA in 1987 and 1988.
Stephen G. Emerson (born 1953), American stem cell biologist and clinical hematologist/oncologist; president of Haverford College from 2007 to 2011; as of 2012, director of Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center
The NewYork City Landmarks Preservation Commission also stated that Walter Salmon's crowning achievement was the construction of 500 Fifth Avenue, now a New York City Designated Landmark.