
3 unusual facts about Nezumi Kozō

Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū

The MSX2 version has the option to be played in turns by two players, with the second player playing as a ninja named Nezumi Kozō, which is the basis of Goemon's sidekick Ebisumaru.

Nezumi Kozō

This, combined with the public humiliation he dealt out to the daimyo, resulted in the popular legend that he gave the money to the poor, turning the petty crook into a posthumous folk hero similar to Robin Hood.

Nezumi is the Japanese word for "rat"; a kozō was a young errand-boy who worked in a shop in the Edo period.

Edo o Kiru

The former Robin Hood-style thief Nezumi Kozō, he became an undercover agent for the Kin-san/O-Yuki team.

see also