
2 unusual facts about Nick Awde

Amjad Jaimoukha

Principal literary collaborations include work with Nicholas Awde, the editor of the Caucasus World series published by Routledge and co-owner of the publishing house Bennett and Bloom, JonArno Lawson, the writer of a number of fantastic books, and Michel Malherbe, the prolific writer and editor of the Parlons... series published by the French publishing house L'Harmattan.

Pete and Dud: Come Again

Pete and Dud: Come Again is a stage play about British Beyond the Fringe comedians Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, which was written by Chris Bartlett and Nick Awde.

Pete and Dud

The comic and personal relationship between Cook and Moore is the subject of the play Pete and Dud: Come Again, by Chris Bartlett and Nick Awde.

see also