The short film which was produced by Tilyard and Liz Tomkins features an animated sequence of new original artwork from James O'Barr as well as a cover of 'Dog Food', the Iggy Pop song referenced in the original graphic novel, from Mondo Generator and featuring Nick Oliveri and Dave Grohl, the track was created for the short film.
While part of Mondo Generator, he wrote some songs for the album Dead Planet with Nick Oliveri.
Nick Cave | Nick Drake | Nick Lowe | Nick Clegg | Nick Hornby | Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds | Nick Nolte | Nick Fury | Nick Jr. | Nick Saban | Nick Griffin | Nick Zedd | Nick Miles | Nick Kamen | Nick Webb | Nick Knight | Nick Kent | Nick Jonas | Nick Carter | Nick Cannon | Nick | Nick Tosches | Nick Marone | Nick Lachey | Nick Jr. (block) | Nick Venet | Nick Scali Furniture | Nick Oliveri | Nick Greiner | Nick Faldo |