
unusual facts about Nick Evans

Adam Houlihan

He instead returned to his earlier interest in horse racing, hosting a horse-racing tips show with Brett Phillips and Nick Evans on radio station SEN 1116 and training jockeys in diet and fitness.In 2007 he chose to take some great advise from mentor and now business partner Bruce Armstrong and start his own promotional merchandise business called CorpEdge Marketing.

Eliota Fuimaono-Sapolu

In 2011 he was shortlisted by the Rugby Players' Association for their Players' Player of the Year award alongside Chris Ashton, Chris Budgen, Nick Evans, Thomas Waldrom and Tom Wood.

North Harbour Rugby Union

Nick Evans (former All Black, rumored to moved to North Harbour but moved to Auckland instead, now playing for Harlequins in England

The End of an Ear

The song titles refer to the following people or groups: Mark Ellidge (Wyatt's half brother), Bridget St. John, Daevid Allen and Gilli Smyth, Nick Evans, Caravan and Jimmy Hastings, Kevin Ayers' The Whole World, Carla Bley, Marsha Hunt and Caroline Coon.

see also