Camp Orange - a reality television series aired on Nickelodeon Australia, often seen as a replacement of Nick Takes Over Your School.
After the seventh series of the show, Nickelodeon Australia decided to cancel "Nick Takes Over Your School" to focus more on "Sarvo" and "Saturday Nick Television".
high school | Harvard Business School | London School of Economics | Harvard Medical School | secondary school | Harvard Law School | Eastman School of Music | Juilliard School | Public school (government funded) | High School Musical | Gymnasium (school) | Yale Law School | Rugby School | school district | high school football | public school | school | New York University School of Law | Westminster School | Tisch School of the Arts | Charterhouse School | Harrow School | University-preparatory school | Naval Postgraduate School | Glasgow School of Art | University of Michigan Law School | Nick Cave | Manhattan School of Music | Guildhall School of Music and Drama | Columbia Law School |