In Asunción, he joined the Police Band of the Capital, working under the direction of the masters Nicolino Pellegrini and Salvador Dentice.
In 1912 he founded the Police marching band of Asunción and eventually formed the finest Paraguayan composers and musicians such as Agustín Pío Barrios, José Asunción Flores (teach the foundations for the guarania), Remberto Giménez and Herminio Giménez.
Tassilo Pellegrini | Nicolino Locche | Carlo Pellegrini | Aldo Pellegrini | Thalia Pellegrini | Nicola Pellegrini | "The painstaking Irishman"
As depicted by "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini | Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini | Nicolino Pellegrini | Ines Pellegrini | "Hull". Caricature by Carlo Pellegrini | Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini | Federica Pellegrini |
Birkbeck as caricatured by Ape (Carlo Pellegrini
Jenkinson as caricatured by Ape (Carlo Pellegrini
Forster as caricatured by Ape (Carlo Pellegrini
As caricatured by Carlo Pellegrini