Nikkei also owns TV Tokyo and Nikkei CNBC, which provides coverage of the Japanese market during trading hours and rebroadcasts CNBC during off-hours and weekends.
The event is organized by Sarah Marie Cummings Staples, managing director of the local Masuichi-Ichimura brewery, who was named Nikkei Woman of the Year in 2002, the first foreigner to achieve the honor.
Asahi Shimbun | Nihon University | Yomiuri Shimbun | Mainichi Shimbun | Nihon Keizai Shimbun | Toyo Keizai | Tokyo Shimbun | Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun | Nihon Ōdai Ichiran | Nihon Ken Hozonkai | Nihon Igai Zenbu Chinbotsu | Nihon Bungeisha | ''Hochi Shimbun'' | Chunichi Shimbun | Alexis Nihon |
As of 1970, he was also a free-lance journalist for various newspapers and magazines including Asian Business, Oriental Economist, Nikkei, Toyo Keizai, South China Morning Post, Financial Times Syndication, Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly, etc.
In January 2012, Nikkei announced on its website that a remake of the anime series under production by Shin-Ei Animation and Indian production company Reliance MediaWorks.
July 20 - A memorandum from an Imperial Household Agency official is published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun showing that Emperor Hirohito refused to visit Yasukuni Shrine after Class A war criminals were added to its rolls.
In 2013, Kobe mayor Tatsuo Yada endorsed a proposal to consolidate the management of the three Kansai region airports by adding Kobe Airport to the planned sale in 2014 of operating concessions at Itami and Kansai, although the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported this to be unlikely given the advanced state of negotiations surrounding the concessions.