
unusual facts about Nikolai Bukharin

Nikolai Bukharin

Voice of the stalking shadow (Pin thodarum nizhalin kural), a Tamil novel by Jeyamohan, is based on the life of Nikolai Bukharin.

Centrist Marxism

By the end of the 1920s, the two opposing factions had been defeated by Joseph Stalin, who eventually gained enough support from members of both factions through the application of various ideas formulated by the factions' various leaders, notably Leon Trotsky and Nikolai Bukharin.

Krasnaya Nov

In its first 7 years, under editor-in-chief Alexander Voronsky, it reached a circulation of 15,000 copies, publishing works of the leading Soviet authors, including Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and Sergey Yesenin, as well as essays on politics, economics, and science by authors like Lenin, Stepanov-Skvortsov, Bukharin, Frunze and Radek, among others.

Lev Chernyi

Twelve Communists were killed and fifty-five others were wounded, including eminent Bolshevik theorist and Pravda editor Nikolai Bukharin.

Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky

The fall of Commissar for Agriculture, Mikhail Chernov, arrested in 1938 for Bukharin conspiracy, caused a domino effect in the Commissariat for Agriculture which supervised the Exhibition.

Yevgenia Bosch

There together with Georgy Pyatakov they established the so-called Bogie group (Bogie is a suburb of Lausanne) which included Nikolai Bukharin, G.Krylenko, and others and stood in opposition to Lenin, concerning the nationalities factor.

see also