1965 Jointly with Boris Struminsky and Albert Tavkhelidze and independently of Moo-Young Han, Yoichiro Nambu and Oscar W. Greenberg suggested a triplet quark model and introduced a new quantum degree of freedom (later called as color charge) for quarks.
Beside his work on the LSZ formalism he is also known for the development of Bogolyubov - Parasiuk renormalization schema (also BPHZ Renormalization schema named after Klaus Hepp and Zimmermann).
Nikolay Nekrasov | Nikolay Atanasov | Nikolay Rumyantsev | Nikolay Pirogov | Nikolay Bogolyubov | Nikolay Trusov | Nikolay Timofeev-Ressovsky | Nikolay Strunnikov | Nikolay Semyonov | Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky | Nikolay Kozlov | Nikolay Kostomarov | Nikolay Haytov | Nikolay Gnedich | Nikolay Antonov | Alexey Bogolyubov | Nikolay Yegorovich Makarov | Nikolay Vasilyevich Komarov | Nikolay Smolensky | Nikolay Shkot | Nikolay Raevsky (died 1843) | Nikolay Petrovich Fyodorov | Nikolay Okhlopkov | Nikolay Muravyov | Nikolay Mamonov | Nikolay Kruglov, Jr. | Nikolay Krestinsky | Nikolay Kolosovsky | Nikolay Koksharov | Nikolay Khomeriki |
The perturbation theory of toroidal invariant manifolds of dynamical systems was developed here by academician M. M. Bogolyubov, Yu. O. Mitropolsky, academician of the NAS of Ukraine and the Russian Academy of Sciences, and A. M. Samoilenko, academician of the NAS of Ukraine.
Leonid Mandelstam and Nikolay Bogolyubov and his students and developed in a large area of modern applied mathematics.