He became globally known as the "Man with the Carnation" and as such he was depicted in a famous Pablo Picasso sketch.
The school assumed the name of Nikos Beloyannis in 1952, but the politically motivated name change was short-lived, and the school regained its former name in 1955.
Nikos Kazantzakis | Nikos Xydakis | Nikos Kourkoulos | Nikos Kazantzakis (municipality) | Nikos Aliagas | Nikos Koundouros | Nikos Goumas Stadium | Nikos Beloyannis | Nikos Anastopoulos | Nikos the Impaler | Nikos Sarganis | Nikos Papazoglou | Nikos Papatakis | Nikos Liberopoulos | Nikos Hadjinikolaou | Nikos Galis | Nikos Christidis |
It was founded by Communist Greek refugees who left Greece after the civil war, and was named after Nikos Beloyannis (Beloiannisz is the Hungarian spelling of his name).