
unusual facts about Nili


Only after Aaron Aaronsohn arrived in London (by way of Berlin and Copenhagen) and by virtue of his reputation, was he able to obtain cooperation from the diplomat Sir Mark Sykes.


Nili Natkho | Nili |

Doron Mendels

Among the disciplines connected to memory, articles represented the disciplines of law (Nili Cohen), the brain (from the natural sciences: Idan Segev and Hermona Soreq), anthropology (Yoram Bilu and Moshe Shoked), psychology (Amiya Leiblich and Yonatan Slavin), Hebrew literature (Dan Laor), Israeli society and the holocaust (Arye Edrei) and philosophy (Jeffrey Barash).

Nili Abramski

Nili Abramski (born January 14, 1970, Rehovot, Israel) is an Israeli female long-distance runner.

Nili Lotan

Notable celebrities known to wear Nili Lotan clothing include Paris Hilton, Sandra Bernhard, Liza Minnelli and Martha Stewart.

Sarah Aaronsohn

Aaronsohn, her brothers and sister Aaron, Alex, and Rebecca Feinberg-Aaronohn also their friend Absalom Feinberg formed and led Nili, the spy organization.

see also