
3 unusual facts about Nina Hagen

Augusta La Paix

Initially a freelance news reporter for CBC Radio, she was given the show after submitting a demo tape for a show on avant garde culture, featuring music by Laurie Anderson, Brian Eno and Nina Hagen.

Elephant racing

Members of the Animal Peace group's protest was supported by leading personalities like Maneka Gandhi, the then Minister for Social Affairs in India, Nina Hagen, the German rock singer, and Brigitte Bardot, the French film actress.

Thomas D

Singles released from these albums include Rückenwind, Frisör, Liebesbrief, and Solo (featuring Nina Hagen).

Erling Mandelmann

Erling Mandelmann has taken more than 500 portraits of personalities, including amongst others Noël Coward, 14th Dalai Lama, Nina Hagen, Johnny Hallyday, Prince Hans-Adam of Lichtenstein.

Linda Lamb

During Spring 2010, Linda Lamb completed recording with Nina Hagen, singing a duet and also the backup vocals on Nina’s gospel album, Personal Jesus.

Wolf Biermann

In 1977, he was joined in West Germany by his wife at the time, actress Eva-Maria Hagen and her daughter Catharina (Nina Hagen).

see also


# "Jesus Ist Ein Freund Von Mir" (Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine) (Salvatore Polichetti, German lyrics by Nina Hagen) (Sonseed's song cover) – 2:51