Al Jazeera journalist Nir Rosen reported that many of the deaths reported daily by activists are in fact armed insurgents falsely presented as civilian deaths, but confirmed that real civilian deaths do occur on a regular basis.
In March 2011, Mary Kaldor, Co-Director at the Center for Global Governance at the London School of Economics had hired Rosen as a research fellow to work on North Africa.
Journalist Nir Rosen, writing for Al Jazeera, reported that members of the Alawite sect are afraid of Sunni hegemony, as they were oppressed by Sunnis during Ottoman times and in the early years of the 20th century, the Sunni merchant class held much of the country's wealth and dominated politics.
Michael Rosen | Sevin Rosen Funds | Steve J. Rosen | Nathaniel Rosen | Jay Rosen | Gross-Rosen concentration camp | Magnus Rosén | Jelka Rosen | Harvey S. Rosen | Steven J. Rosen | Nir Rosen | Nir Eliyahu | Nir Barkat | Moishe Rosen | Georg von Rosen | Eric von Rosen | David Rosen | Carl Gustaf von Rosen | Andrea Rosen | Tōsha Rosen VI | Steven M. Rosen | Stephen Peter Rosen | Stanley Rosen | Rosen Method Bodywork | Rosen College of Hospitality Management | Robert Rosen | Rich Rosen | Nir Zidkyahu | Nir Kabaretti | Nir District |