
2 unusual facts about Niutao

2012 Christmas Cup

Rangers are a new combination team from the other teams Ha'apai United, FC Niutao and Nui.

Leonard Whibley

Leonard was a half-brother of Fred Whibley, copra trader, on Niutao, Ellice Islands (now Tuvalu); and his half-sister was Eliza Eleanor (Lillie), wife of John T. Arundel, owner of J. T. Arundel and Company which evolved into the Pacific Islands Company, and later the Pacific Phosphate Company, which commenced phosphate mining in Nauru and Banaba Island (Ocean Island).


Niutao |

Foreign relations of Tuvalu

On 29 August 2012 an Agreement between Tuvalu and Kiribati concerning their Maritime Boundary, was signed by their respective leaders that determined the boundary as being seaward of Nanumea and Niutao in Tuvalu on the one hand and Tabiteuea, Tamana and Arorae in Kiribati on the other hand, along the geodesics connecting the points of latitude and longitude set out in the agreement.

see also