Mevio maintains a small stable of flagship podcasts, including No Agenda hosted by Curry and John C. Dvorak, Curry's own Daily Source Code.
The hosts think that U.S. high speed rail plans, as opposed to the ostensible goal of speeding passenger transport, are actually schemes to provide government-funded infrastructure improvements to politically connected freight railroads, such as BNSF.
Additionally No Agenda was named to Talkers Magazine's Frontier Fifty list for 2011, a list 'Outstanding Media Webcasters.
The Agenda | No Agenda | The Rotten Agenda | Agenda 21 | The Agenda (Mother) | Homosexual agenda | Agenda 2010 |
All shows are streamed live, and when shows are not being streamed there are usually reruns of past shows, The Computer Chronicles, movies, other podcasts (such as The No Agenda Show), or music licensed under Creative Commons licenses.
Lead singer Kevin Griffin told the LAUNCHcast website that the song is about the simple things in life: "I wanted to write lyrics that kind of encapsulated a picture of the current events of my life or anybody's life and just use very common visual images like 'soap on a rope' and 'smart as Bobby Fischer.' You know, it's about just spending the day with somebody you love and hanging out with really no agenda at all. And just being happy."