This was his first work, reportedly written in six days in the hope of winning a $250 Hopwood Award, the first of two that he won.
No Villain | Hail the Villain | alt=Complete 30 second Mutoscope reel of Sherlock Holmes Baffled. Sherlock Holmes enters a parlour to find it being burgled. When confronted, the villain disappears. Holmes attempts to ignore the event by lighting a cigar, but upon the thief's reappearance tries to reclaim the sack of stolen goods, using a pistol stored in his dressing gown pocket. After Holmes collects his property, the bag vanishes from his hand into the grasp of the thief, who promptly disappears through a window. At this point the film |
Honors at Dawn, written in 1936, is Arthur Miller's second play (after No Villain /They Too Arise), for which he won a second Avery Hopwood Award.