The show is about two friends from Union, Ohio, named Derrick (Taran Killam) and Will (Paul Campbell), who send a home video to every network, claiming they can produce a better sitcom than the ones currently being broadcast.
During the Friday, July 21, 2006 airing of Last Call with Carson Daly, guests Neil Goldman, Taran Killam, and Paul Campbell called NBC president Kevin Reilly on air, who seemed to confirm a pickup for the series.
The two became best friends when Will had to hang out at Derrick's house after school because his mom worked overtime at the Cracker Barrel.
After a 2004 tour, the band released their first live album in early 2005, Nobody's Watching/Nobody's Listening, and, in June of the same year, released their fourth studio album, Discover a Lovelier You.
Their Eyes Were Watching God | whale watching | Watching Ellie | Whole World Is Watching | Whale watching | ''Watching the Spring and Listening to the Wind'' (看泉聽風圖), Tang Yin, Nanjing Museum | Watching Rainbows | Watching | Satellite watching | satellite watching | Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre | Nobody's Watching/Nobody's Listening | Hypermnestra watching Lynceus take her father's crown; Cupid | Dance Like Nobody's Watching |
Phillip went on to record with the band on their EP Dance Like Nobody's Watching, released May 12, 2006.