
unusual facts about Non-possessors


It was led by Nil of Sora and later Maximus the Greek and others and was opposed to the Josephites led by Joseph of Volokolamsk and later Archbishop Theodosius II of Novgorod.



In the beginning of the 4th century, three warlike princes, called the Three Collas, sons of Eochy Doimhlein, son of Cairbre Lifeachar, legendary High King of Ireland, of the race of Eremon, made a conquest of a great part of Ulster, which they wrested from the old possessors, princes of the race of Ir, called the Clanna Rory, or Rudericians.


Charolles was the capital of Charolais, an old division of France, which from the early 14th century gave the title of count to its possessors.

John Baskett

A new patent was granted in 1799 to George Eyre, Andrew Strahan, and John Reeves; it has been renewed, and has come in course of time into the hands of its present possessors, Messrs. Eyre & Spottiswoode.

Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi

Suhrawardi refers to the hukamayya-fars (Persian philosophers) as major practitioners of his Ishraqi wisdom and considers Zoroaster, Jamasp, Goshtasp, Kay Khusraw, Frashostar and Bozorgmehr as possessors of this ancient wisdom.

Thomas Audley, 1st Baron Audley of Walden

In 1542 he endowed and re-established Buckingham College, Cambridge, under the new name of the College of St Mary Magdalene (commonly Magdalene College), and ordained in the statutes that his heirs, "the possessors of the late monastery of Walden" should be Visitors of Magdalene College in perpetuum.

Zagórze Śląskie

After it had fallen to the Bohemian crown in 1368 it was held as a fief by various possessors, among them the Counts of Hoberg at Książ until 1567 and Prince Michael the Brave of Wallachia.

see also