
unusual facts about Noncommutative geometry

MacMahon Master theorem

After Garoufalidis–Lê–Zeilberger's quantum extension (2006), a number of noncommutative extensions were developed by Foata–Han, Konvalinka–Pak, and Etingof–Pak.

Directed algebraic topology

Its applications deal with domains where privileged directions appear, like concurrent processes, traffic networks, spacetime models, noncommutative geometry, rewriting systems and the modelling of biological systems.

Noncommutative torus

Many topological and geometric properties of the classical 2-torus have algebraic analogues for the noncommutative tori, and as such they are fundamental examples of a noncommutative space in the sense of Alain Connes.

see also

Matilde Marcolli

Noncommutative geometry, quantum fields and motives. (with Alain Connes), American Mathematical Society, Colloquium Publications, 2008.