
5 unusual facts about Norman Finkelstein

Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians

In 2007, Weizfeld, as Administrative Secretary of ACJC, protested the controversial denial of tenure by DePaul University to pro-Palestinian professor Norman Finkelstein.

Alwan for the Arts

Its events have featured distinguished speakers such as Hamid Dabashi and Norman Finkelstein.

David Ridgen

Ridgen's 2009 documentary, American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein, co-directed and co-produced with Nicolas Rossier, was about the life of controversial political scientist Norman Finkelstein.

Dennis H. Holtschneider

In 2007, Holtschneider affirmed a 4-3 vote by DePaul University's Board on Promotion and Tenure (a faculty board) denying tenure to controversial political scientist Norman Finkelstein.

Matthew Kennard

Kennard also broke the story in the Daily Bruin of the Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz’s attempts to suppress the publication of Beyond Chutzpah (Norman Finkelstein) by the University of California Press.

Muslim American Public Affairs Council

It has hosted a number of progressive speakers, and recently brought Nihad Awad, Norman Finkelstein, and Cindy Sheehan.

see also