
3 unusual facts about Norwich Duff


In 1819, Norwich Duff wrote 'Clermont en Argonne is a very small town situated on the side of a hill on top of which there is a telegraph, a small church, and very extensive and fine views'.

La Ferté-sous-Jouarre

In 1819, Edinburgh born naval officer Norwich Duff (1792–1862) recorded a note on La Ferté at a time when, it would appear, the Bourbon Restoration had led to a sudden halt in the Napoleonic road building boom.

Norwich Duff

He was promoted to Commander on 15 June 1814 and appointed to command of the 18-gun brig-sloop HMS Espoir, part of the naval force in the Chesapeake during the War of 1812, and later took part in the attack on New Orleans.

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