
12 unusual facts about Nouadhibou

1975 United Nations visiting mission to Spanish Sahara

The mission also travelled to the northern towns of Atar, Zouerate, Bir Moghrein, and Nouadhibou, where they witnessed "large rival demonstrations" by the Parti du Peuple Mauritanien (PPM; Ould Daddah's ruling party) and the Polisario Front.

Air Mauritanie

Two Ilyushin Il-18s were bought in 1969, with the Soviets providing training and technical assistance; these aircraft were flown to Dakar, Nouadhibou and Las Palmas.

Baco Liner

Service speed is 15 knots and they sail under the Liberian flag, serving ports between Nouadhibou and Port Harcourt.

Banc d'Arguin National Park

The Ras Nouadhibou (formerly Cap Blanc) peninsula, which forms Dakhlet Nouadhibou (formerly Lévrier Bay) to the east, is fifty kilometers long and up to thirteen kilometers wide.

Lured by legends of vast wealth in interior kingdoms, the Portuguese established a trading fort at Arguin, southeast of Cap Blanc (present-day Ras Nouadhibou), in 1455.

By 1763 the British had expelled France from the West African coast, and France recovered control only when the Congress of Vienna in 1815 recognized French sovereignty over the coast of West Africa from Cap Blanc south to Senegal.

Rainfall here is minimal; in Nouadhibou it averages less than three centimeters annually and occurs between July and September.

Callinectes marginatus

Although the name Callinectes marginatus was used by Mary Rathbun and others to also cover animals now referred to the species C. larvatus and C. diacanthus, C. marginatus is now used only for a species found from the Cape Verde Islands and Nouadhibou, Mauritania to Angola.

MIFERMA Class CC 01-21

They had been commissioned by the Societe Anonyme des Mines de Fer de Mauritanie (MIFERMA), then the owner of the Mauritania Railway, which, since its completion in 1963, has connected the iron ore mine in Zouerate with the port of Nouadhibou, Mauritania.

MV María Alejandra

She sunk suddenly on high seas some 130-150 km off the coast west of Nouadhibou, Mauritania on 11 March 1980 after several internal explosions presumably related with malfunction on the inert gas system.

Nouadhibou Cemetery

Nouadhibou Cemetery is a cemetery in Nouadhibou, Mauritania.

Telecommunications in Morocco

MT has announced plans to create a fibre-optic network connecting the Moroccan cities Laâyoune and Dakhla to Nouadhibou, which would ultimately be extended to other North African countries.


Nouadhibou |

Cintra Bay

Contrasts to land, waters in this area are parts of the Canary Current System, a highly productive ocean current and the Nouadhibou Upwelling, one of major upwelling zones locates just off the continent shelf.