Every 1 May, at 6am, the choir of the college (including boy choristers from nearby Magdalen College School) sings two traditional hymns — the Hymnus Eucharisticus and "Now Is the Month of Maying" — to start the May Morning celebrations in Oxford.
Black History Month | Employee of the Month | Month of Photography Asia | Women's History Month | Play of the Month | National Novel Writing Month | lunar month | Employee of the Month (2006 film) | The Mythical Man-Month | Now Is the Month of Maying | National Arts & Humanities Month | Kartika (month) | Book of the Month Club | The Last Month of the Year | Premier League Manager of the Month | NBA Rookie of the Month Award | National Poetry Month | National Mentoring Month | Month | month | LGBT History Month | Goal of the Month (Germany) | Employee of the month (program) | Employee of the Month (podcast) | Employee of the Month (2004 film) | Employee Of The Month |