
3 unusual facts about Nth Man: The Ultimate Ninja

Nth Man: The Ultimate Ninja

Ron Wagner, who penciled the series for its entire run, attributes its commercial failure to its being set in a standalone universe instead of the popular Marvel Universe, as well as the absence of costumed characters.

The series is not set within the primary setting of the Marvel Universe and the characters of those series are treated as fictional comic book characters.

After a fight in which Rachel Summers ferociously unleashed the full power of the Phoenix Force on Alfie in his Galactus form and brought him to his knees, the team was sent back to their native reality, Earth-616, when Nightcrawler pushed "Cancel" on the remote control of Alfie's television, which nullified everything that had occurred.

Nth Man

Although they defeat him, several members of the Squadron are killed, with the remainder banished to Earth-616 for a time.

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