Max Frankel, former executive editor of the New York Times, argues that "deploying numbers skillfully is as important to communication as deploying verbs".
numeracy |
Monitor lizards have been shown to be capable of numeracy, and some species can distinguish among numbers up to six.
Such a skill set would involve years of training, an extraordinary memory and numeracy, and/or acute visual or even aural observation, as in the case of wheel clocking in Roulette.
The Primary Curriculum at Columba Catholic College is designed to emphasise the basic skills of numeracy and literacy, whilst integrating the Key Learning Areas (KLA's) of Religious Education , English, Maths, Science, Studies of Society and Environment, Languages other than English (LOTE), Health and Physical Education, The Arts and Technology.
She had made a commitment to the then Conservative Shadow Education Secretary, David Willetts to resign if the literacy and numeracy targets were not met.
This prison provides full and part-time education courses for prisoners in areas such as business administration, food hygiene, literacy, numeracy and information technology, NVQ Hairdressing, BTEC and Art.
John Allen Paulos (born July 4, 1945) is an American professor of mathematics at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania who has gained fame as a writer and speaker on mathematics and the importance of mathematical literacy.
Together with Pierre Pica, and Elizabeth Spelke, Stanislas Dehaene has studied the numeracy and numeral expressions of the mundurucu (an indigenous tribe living in Para, Brazil).