
unusual facts about Numerical Analysis

Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

Later research involved numerical analysis due to the addition of Cornelius Lanczos to the faculty and the development of the computer.

Groundwater recharge

Recharge can be estimated using numerical methods, using such codes as HELP, UNSAT-H, SHAW, WEAP, and MIKE SHE.

Irene Stegun

When Abramowitz died of a heart attack in 1958, Stegun took over management of the project and finished the work by 1964, working under the direction of the NBS Chief of Numerical Analysis Philip J. Davis, who was also a contributor to the book.

Law of tangents

In modern times the law of tangents may have better numerical properties than the law of cosines: If \gamma is small, and a and b are almost equal, then an application of the law of cosines leads to a subtraction of almost equal values, which implies a loss of significant digits.

Milton Abramowitz

Stegun took over management of the project and was able to finish the work by 1964, working under the direction of the NBS Chief of Numerical Analysis Philip J. Davis, who was also a contributor to the book.

Newton's method

In numerical analysis, Newton's method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method), named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function.

Numerical Recipes

The Numerical Recipes books cover a range of topics that include both classical numerical analysis (interpolation, integration, linear algebra, differential equations, and so on), signal processing (Fourier methods, filtering), statistical treatment of data, and a few topics in machine learning (hidden Markov models, support vector machines).

Schur complement method

In numerical analysis, the Schur complement method, named after Issai Schur, is the basic and the earliest version of non-overlapping domain decomposition method, also called iterative substructuring.

Signal processing

According to Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, the principles of signal processing can be found in the classical numerical analysis techniques of the 17th century.

see also

Autoregressive–moving-average model

IMSL Numerical Libraries are libraries of numerical analysis functionality including ARMA and ARIMA procedures implemented in standard programming languages like C, Java, C# .

Decomposition method

Domain decomposition methods in mathematics, numerical analysis, and numerical partial differential equations

Delay line

Bi-directional delay line, a numerical analysis technique used in computer simulation for solving ordinary differential equations by converting them to hyperbolic equations

Josef Stoer

He is the author (with Roland Bulirsch) of Introduction to Numerical Analysis, a standard reference for the theory of numerical methods.

Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations

The Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations was founded in 2004 and carries papers pertaining to nonlinear hyperbolic problems and related mathematical topics, specifically on the theory and numerical analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws and of hyperbolic partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics.

Roland Bulirsch

He is the author (with Josef Stoer) of Introduction to Numerical Analysis, a standard reference for the theory of numerical methods, and has also authored numerous other books and articles.

Technology CAD

S. Selberherr, W. Fichtner, and H.W. Potzl, "Minimos - A program package to facilitate MOS device design and analysis," Proceedings NASECODE I (Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices), pp.

Timeline of numerical analysis after 1945

Hestenes, Stiefel, and Lanczos, all from the Institute for Numerical Analysis at the National Bureau of Standards, initiate the development of Krylov subspace iteration methods.