
5 unusual facts about Fourier analysis


Further studies of a single crystal of alacranite with dimensions (30 × 60 × 120 mm was examined using direct methods, Fourier syntheses and structure refinement resulting in intensities violating the C lattice type and symmetries like h0l reflections with l = 2n + 1 were absent.


The branch of mathematics dealing with this part of optics is Fourier analysis.

Campbell and Robson promoted using sine-wave gratings by arguing that the human visual performs a Fourier analysis on retinal images.

Lee Lorch

In his academic work, Lorch focused on several subfields of classical analysis such as summability theory, Fourier analysis, ordinary differential equations and real analysis.


This information is analyzed by the computer to determine the pen's position, by interpolation and Fourier analysis of the signal intensity.

Theory of tides

This position changed in the 1860s when the local circumstances of tidal phenomena were more fully brought into account by William Thomson's application of Fourier analysis to the tidal motions.


During this tour, he used custom Fourier analysis of EOTO's live sounds to trigger pre-made visual events.

see also

G. C. Danielson

Danielson collaborated with Cornelius Lanczos to write the paper, Some Improvements in Practical Fourier Analysis and their Application to X-ray Scattering from Liquids (1942).