
unusual facts about OIG


Central Intelligence Agency Office of Inspector General

The Rockefeller Commission, Church Committee, and Pike Committee all recommended strengthening the office of OIG.


in September 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a draft report critical of Project Gunrunner, followed by the final version in November, 2010.

Stellar Wind

In June 2013 the Washington Post and the Guardian published an OIG draft report, dated March 2009, leaked by Edward Snowden detailing the Stellar Wind program.

Texas Department of Insurance – Fraud Unit

Fraud Unit criminal investigators specialize in financial crime and regularly conduct joint investigations with city, county, other state (DPS, Attorney General's Office), and federal law enforcement (FBI, IRS-CID, United States Postal Inspection Service, US Government OIGs, etc.), and other government agencies.

United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Justice (DOJ) is the Office of the Inspector General specific to the United States Department of Justice that is responsible for conducting nearly all of the investigations of DOJ employees and programs.

United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General

As one of the federal Offices of the Inspector General, the purpose of the OIG is to prevent, detect, and report fraud, waste, and program abuse, and promote efficiency in the operations of the USPS.

see also