
unusual facts about OLS


Ordinary least squares, a method used in regression analysis for estimating linear models



For example, if OLS is performed on a heteroscedactic data set, yielding biased standard error estimation, a researcher might fail to reject a null hypothesis at a given significance level, when that null hypothesis was actually uncharacteristic of the actual population (making a type II error).

Ludwig Yorck von Wartenburg

The remainder of his life was spent on his estate of Klein-Öls (today Oleśnica Mała, Poland) in Silesia, a gift of the king.

Old Laurentian Society

The Old Laurentians (OLs) have an affiliated rugby football club (OLRFC) who have a ground at Fenly Field located in the village of Bilton, which is a part of the town Rugby.

Population and energy consumption in Brazilian Amazonia

The spatial and temporal dimensions of the occupation processes in Amazonia suggest the use of remote sensing data provided by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP), with the Operational Linescan System (OLS).


Lignan-7-ols oleiferin-B and oleiferin-G worked for Cladosporium cladosporioides starting as low as 10 micrograms.

Zvezdan Martič

He was a member of the OLS (On line service group) at EBU (European Broadcasting Union), where he was also a member of the Benchmarking and Teletext groups.

see also