These are Daultabad, Nayavas, Satha, korai, Behrawati, Byara, Undera, Kachora, Singarpur, Vidyapur, Onera, Arrua.
This facility is located near to other important higher education facilities in Toulouse, France: the Paul Sabatier University, SUPAERO, the ENAC, the INSA, as well as other research centers (the ONERA and the CNES).
The ONERA is organized in four scientific branches: Fluid Mechanics and Energetics; Materials and Structures ; Physics ; and Information Processing and Systems.
The ONERA’s historic roots are in the Paris suburb of Meudon, south of Paris.
He is a member of the international scientific council of ArcelorMittal and the Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, and a scientific advisor to Rio Tinto Alcan, EDF and ONERA.