He is a national columnist for the Black Voices syndicated news network, and his writings have appeared in The Black Scholar, Race and Class, Washington Post, Oakland Tribune, Covert Action Information Bulletin, Z Magazine, Radical History Journal and many other publications.
Oakland Tribune, Spanish Groups In Fiesta Sunday, Thursday, October 24, 1946, Page 21.
The November 4, 1914 Oakland Tribune reported that he had been charged with trying to steal an automobile as a "Halloween joke", also noting that he had previously been involved "in several bizarre episodes which brought him to the notice of the Los Angeles juvenile court".
Oakland Tribune, Sign of the Cross Coming to the MacDonough, March 11, 1899, Page 9.
In 1977, the Knowland Family sold the Oakland Tribune to Combined Communications Corporation, owned by Arizona-based outdoor sign mogul Karl Eller.
After five terms in the United States House of Representatives, Joseph R. Knowland (1873–1966) purchased the Oakland Tribune from Dargie's widow, Hermina Peralta Dargie.
Chicago Tribune | Oakland, California | Oakland | Oakland Athletics | Oakland Raiders | New York Herald Tribune | Oakland County, Michigan | Oakland University | Tribune | Star Tribune | Oakland County | Oakland, Maryland | Oakland Cemetery | Oakland Museum of California | Sunday Tribune | Oakland Tribune | Oakland (Pittsburgh) | Oakland Unified School District | Oakland Oaks | Oakland, Nebraska | Oakland International Airport | Tribune Media Services | Oakland Oaks (PCL) | Oakland Mills High School | Oakland Cemetery (Saint Paul, Minnesota) | Oakland A's | History of the Oakland Raiders | Herald Tribune | Tribune Entertainment | tribune |
Forsterer would serve new Tribune owner, (former U.S. Congressman) Joseph R. Knowland as Business Manager of the Oakland Tribune, (1915–1957).