
unusual facts about Oath of Allegiance

Charles Bradlaugh

To take his seat and become an active Parliamentarian, he needed to signify his allegiance to the Crown and on 3 May Bradlaugh came to the Table of the House of Commons, bearing a letter to the Speaker "begging respectfully to claim to be allowed to affirm" instead of taking the religious Oath of Allegiance, citing the Evidence Amendment Acts of 1869 and 1870.

Louis Timothee

He took the Oath of Allegiance to King George II at Philadelphia upon arrival on 21 September 1731, as was required of all male immigrants to British America.

Monarchy of Jamaica

Many employees of the Crown were once required by law to recite an oath of allegiance to the monarch before taking their posts, in reciprocation to the sovereign's Coronation Oath, wherein he or she promises "to govern the Peoples of ... Jamaica ... according to their respective laws and customs".


As in other famous similar cases in middle age Europe (such as Foix, or Dauphiné), the local feudal had to swear oath of allegiance to the king for the specific territory, even when the former was himself an independent ruler of another state.

see also

1921 in Northern Ireland

The main points of the agreement include the creation of an Irish Free State within the Commonwealth, an Oath of Allegiance to the Crown and the Royal Navy will be able to use certain Free State ports.


The Catholic Encyclopaedia make the point that the oath and the penalties were so severe that it stopped the efforts of the Gallicanizing party among the English Catholics, who had been ready to offer forms of submission similar to the old oath of Allegiance, which was condemned anew about this time by Pope Innocent X.

Andrew Jackson King

According to the Sacramento Union of April 30, 1861 King was brought before Colonel Carleton, and was made to take an oath of allegiance to the Union and was then released.

Antonio María Martínez

On July 18, 1821, Martínez was forced to issue orders requiring the oath of allegiance to Iturbide.

Barnabas Bidwell

Bidwell won a seat in the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada for Lennox and Addington, but failed to take his seat because his election was petitioned against on the grounds that he was a fugitive from justice, a person of immoral character and had taken an oath of allegiance to the United States.

Hammanah bint Jahsh

She migrated to Medina, and when the women of Ansar and Muhajirun took the oath of allegiance at the hands of Muhammad, she was amongst them.

J. Proctor Knott

He served as Missouri Attorney General from 1859 to 1861, when he resigned rather than swear an oath of allegiance to the federal government just prior to the outbreak of the Civil War.

Janet Banana

She was awarded British citizenship in 2006, and took the oath of allegiance on 10 February 2006 in a ceremony in the London Borough of Haringey in front of the Mayor of Haringey.

Oath of office

All recruits to the British Army, Royal Air Force must take an oath of allegiance upon joining these armed forces, a process known as "attestation".

S. Parkes Cadman

On December 2, 1934, he wrote an article condemning the Nazi German government for the firing of theologian Karl Barth from a German university post as a result of the professor's outspoken opposition to the Nazi regime and adamant refusal to sign an oath of allegiance to Adolf Hitler.

William Murray, 2nd Lord Nairne

He took his seat in the Parliament of Scotland on 22 October 1690, but he never took the oath of allegiance to the new monarchs, William and Mary, who in the Glorious Revolution of 1688 had unseated the last Stuart king, James II.