
unusual facts about oath

Bryan Ian Le Marquand

Le Marquand was first sworn in as a Senator for the States of Jersey on 8 December 2008, after topping the polls in the Jersey general election of 2008.


In England, an Oath of Abjuration was taken by Members of Parliament, clergy, and laymen, pledging to support the current British monarch and repudiated the right of the Stuarts and other claimants to the throne.

Adolph A. Hoehling, Jr.

On August 21, 1923, Hoehling re-administered the oath of office to Calvin Coolidge following the death of Harding in order to resolve possible questions over the legality of a state justice of the peace (Coolidge's father) administering the presidential oath of office.

Ardie Davis

He is also the author of the official judges' oath that is taken at all competitions sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society.

Association of Political Organisations of the Indonesian People

While PPPKI failed to achieve most of its intended goals, PPPKI was instrumental in the proclamation of the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Oath) of 1928, in which nationalist symbols of Indonesia were adopted, namely, Bahasa Indonesia - a variant of Bahasa Melayu, was named the lingua franca; the presentation of "Indonesia Raya", the national anthem, and the red-white national flag, or Sang Saka Merah Putih, symbolising the Indonesian independence movement.

Banknotes of the Philippine peso

The obverse side features President Joseph Estrada taking his oath of office on June 30, 1998 in the historic Barasoain Church, the seat of the first democratic republic in Asia shown in the background as well as the scroll of the Malolos Constitution and the seal of the BSP (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas).

Charles F. McLaughlin

He was a member of the Indian Claims Commission from April 5, 1947 until November 14, 1949 when he took the oath of office a day later as a United States district judge for the District of Columbia.

Christian II of Denmark

On 4 November, Christian was anointed by Gustav Trolle (leader of the Sture party or Sture klan) in Stockholm Cathedral, and took the usual oath to rule the Realm of Sweden through native-born Swedes alone, according to prescription.


This was the first such oath that had been taken since that made by Elendil and Gil-galad at the forming of the Last Alliance.

Cirion then swore an oath of unending mutual aid and friendship in return, cementing it with an invocation in Quenya of the Valar and Eru.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

In areas where a majority had taken the oath, such as Paris, the refractory minority could be victimized by society at large: nuns from the Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, for example, were subjected to humiliating public spankings.

Colleen Kollar-Kotelly

She was appointed as a judge to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by President Bill Clinton on March 26, 1997, to a seat vacated by Harold H. Greene; she took her oath of office on May 12, 1997.

On October 3, 1984, Kollar-Kotelly was nominated as an associate judge of the D.C. Superior Court by President Ronald Reagan; she took her oath of office on October 21.

Das Oath

Their self-conscious move away from a typical punk rock aesthetic presaged a signing to Dim Mak Records, an extremely varied and commercial label that released Das Oath's most critically well-received release, their self-titled LP from 2004.

Eureka Flag

Rebels swore an oath to the flag as a symbol of defiance at its first flying at Bakery Hill and 22 were killed at the Eureka Stockade defending the original flag (now held at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka, on loan from the Art Gallery of Ballarat).

Fenton John Anthony Hort

Hort was a member of the Cambridge Apostles and is credited with writing the oath of secrecy taken by new members, in or around 1851.

Fifth Council of the Lateran

When elected pope in 1503, Pope Julius II promised under oath that he would soon convoke a general council.

Flying Spaghetti Monster

In January 2014, a member of the Pomfret, New York Town Council wore a colander while taking the oath of office.

Franciscan Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friar Anđeo Zvizdović of the Monastery in Fojnica received the oath on 28 May 1463 at the camp of Milodraž.

Franciszek Smuglewicz

Among the notable surviving works of that period are A Meeting of the Four Years' Sejm (1793) and Kościuszko's Oath at Kraków's Old Town Market (1797), Lithuanian Peasants, Freeing Peasants from Serfdom in Merkinė.

Grigory Shyshatsky

On 25 July 1812, the Marshal of France Louis-Nicolas Davout ordered Archbishop Varlaam to induce the population to swear an allegiance oath to Napoleon.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton

The book has sections on President Bill Clinton's alleged womanizing at government expense and his alleged lies (under oath) to cover this up.

Isaac ben Samuel of Acre

When Isaac met Moses of Leon at Valladolid, the latter took an oath that he had a copy of the Zohar written by Shimon bar Yochai himself in his house at Ávila.

Ix Shen

In 2011, Shen returned to local screens where he starred in the highly rated series The Oath alongside Christopher Lee, Jesseca Liu and Ann Kok.

John Woodbridge

He studied at the University of Oxford, but, objecting to the oath of conformity, left the university and studied privately till 1634, when he immigrated to America.

José Alperovich

Some commentators had speculated that Alperovich would not be able to become governor if elected because of the provincial law that required him to give an oath on the Christian Bible.

MBA Oath

HBS Professors Rakesh Khurana and Nitin Nohria are working with the World Economic Forum and the Aspen Institute to create an MBA Oath that might be used globally.

Minced oath

Socrates favored the "Rhadamanthine" oath "by the dog", with "the dog" often interpreted as referring to the bright "Dog Star", i.e., Sirius.

Monarchy of Jamaica

Many employees of the Crown were once required by law to recite an oath of allegiance to the monarch before taking their posts, in reciprocation to the sovereign's Coronation Oath, wherein he or she promises "to govern the Peoples of ... Jamaica ... according to their respective laws and customs".

National symbols of the Republic of China

He is highly honored in both the ROC and the PRC, as in the ROC, presidents take oath in front of Dr. Sun's portrait, and Dr. Sun's portrait is displayed during National Day Celebrations, and in the PRC, his portrait is also displayed during the flag-raising on National Day.

Oath Bound

The name Oath Bound was selected because of its relationship with the Silmarillion theme the album has, which is in reference to the Oath of Fëanor.

Oath of office

In an inauguration ceremony a new Spanish Prime Minister takes an oath of office over an open Constitution next to the Holy Bible and before the King of Spain and other dignitaries.

Oath of the Peach Garden

Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took an oath of fraternity in a ceremony in the Peach Garden (believed to be in present-day Zhuozhou, Hebei), and became sworn brothers from then on.

The Oath of the Peach Garden is a fictional event in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong.

Orwell Award

2006: Steven H. Miles, M.D, author of Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity, and the War on Terror

Peter de Ramsay

Upon receiving news of Ramsay's consecration, Pope Innocent IV wrote to David de Bernham, Bishop of St Andrews, Clement, Bishop of Dunblane, and Albin, Bishop of Brechin, delegating the matter to them and instructing these bishops to make their own judgment on the matter, after which, they were to receive Ramsay's oath in his name.


In 1485, Moldavian prince Stephen the Great, after losing in the previous year his country's exit to the Black Sea to the Ottomans, was in serious need of alliances, and swore allegiance to Casimir IV Jagiellon, King of Poland for Pokuttia, in what is known as the Colomeea oath.

R v Lovelass and Others

Under the Unlawful Oaths Act 1797, passed in response to the threat of mutinies following the French Revolution, it was made illegal to make an oath, and a further offence to not reveal the oath.

Ramlila Maidan

The 2011 anti corruption demonstration of Anna Hazare and the 2013 oath ceremony of the AAP chief minister Arvind Kejriwal also took place at the Ramlila Maidan.

Sam McCann

On November 29, 1989, Sam signed a contract with the U.S. Marine Corps and took his oath at the St. Louis MEPS.

Second inauguration of Ronald Reagan

The following day, January 21, Chief Justice Warren E. Burger administered the oath publicly at the 1985 inauguration.

Tennis Court Oath

The only deputy recorded as not taking the oath was Joseph Martin-Dauch from Castelnaudary.

The Land Ironclads

In an 1 Oct 1916, letter to Wells, Churchill thanked him for the idea, and in a 1925 trial over who invented the tank, Winston Churchill testified under oath that the idea had originated with Wells.

Vice President's Room

Six years later, following President James Garfield’s assassination, Vice President Chester Arthur took the presidential oath of office here with two former presidents, Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes, among those attending the ceremony.

Wajihuddin Ahmed

Prior to be elevated as Senior Justice of the Supreme Court, he briefly tenured as the Chief Justice of the Sindh High Court from 1998 until refusing take oath in opposition to martial law in 1999.


What the Dickens, a minced oath, with 'Dickens' standing for devil

Zhao Erfeng

The ruler, who was again given civil power at the head of their hierarchy, pardoned all the Tibetans who had given the oath to Colonel Younghusband.


The name of the band is derived from the old English minced oath coined by William Shakespeare: "zounds", which is a contraction of "God's wounds", referring to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ, formerly used as a mildly blasphemous oath.

see also