
unusual facts about Occupied Territories

Walter Mixa

He has also condemned Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and has said of the 2010 child abuse scandal that "The sexual revolution of the 1960s is at least partly to blame for this".

Antony Lerman

He contends that self-identifying Zionists in the diaspora are complicit in supporting an unjust occupation, and argues Israel must abrogate the Law of Return, change its Jewish character, and become a binational state for Jews and Palestinians.

Steven Rose

Steven Rose, together with his wife, sociologist Hilary Rose has been instrumental in calling to boycott Israeli academic institutions for as long as Israel continues its occupation of the Palestinian Territories, on the grounds of Israel academics' close relationship with the IDF.

see also

Australian Jewish Democratic Society

It has taken positions opposing the Gaza Siege and the Occupation, including settlements, and is outspoken in support of civil rights in Israel and the occupied territories.

Belarusian resistance during World War II

Later NKVD, SMERSH and GRU began training special groups of future partisans (effectively, special forces units) in the rear and dropping them in the occupied territories.

Elizabeth Wiskemann

Wiskemann spent the Second World War in Switzerland, officially as the assistant press attaché to the British legation in Bern, but in reality responsible for gathering non-military intelligence from inside Germany and the occupied territories.

Ibrahim Dakkak

He served as secretary of the Palestinian National Steering Committee in the occupied territories, which included mayors and a spectra of the Palestinian national movement, which arose in the wake of the Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt.


Due to the cultural ties of Judaism with the Hebrew language, it can be alternately designated as Hebraization in regards to the renaming of geographic areas and personal names with Hebrew appellations, as has been the case with Jewish immigration and human settlement in Israel and Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories.

Riga Ghetto

Dobroszycki, Lucjan, and Gurock, Jeffrey S., The Holocaust in the Soviet Union : studies and sources on the destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-occupied territories of the USSR, 1941–1945

Textbooks in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

In 2009 a study was launched by the Council for Religious Institutions in the Holy Land, an interfaith association of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim leaders in Israel and the Occupied Territories, which planned on making recommendations to both sides' Education Ministries based on the report.

Turning the other cheek

The commonly invoked Roman law of Angaria allowed the Roman authorities to demand that inhabitants of occupied territories carry messages and equipment the distance of one mile post, but prohibited forcing an individual to go further than a single mile, at the risk of suffering disciplinary actions.

Uri Regev

Regev is a founding member of B'Tselem, the organization monitoring human rights in the occupied territories, and has served on the boards of many Jewish organizations, including the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency, Rabbis for Human Rights, and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.