:This article is about the movie Octobre; for information about the Gregorian month, see October.
She had 32 expositions in several countries, including those in galleries such as Salon D'Octobre in Paris, Museum of Modern Arts in Ciudad de Mexico, Napstkovo Muzeum in Prague, Smitshonian Institute in Washington, D.C., and as well as various art galleries in Turkey.
In 1986 Jean Sabbagh, with his knowledge of submarines and the war, collaborated in the translation into French of two books by Tom Clancy: The Hunt for Red October as Octobre rouge, and Red Storm Rising as Tempête rouge.
Christian Settipani, Continuite Gentilice et Continuite Familiale Dans Les Familles Senatoriales Romaines A L'epoque Imperiale, Mythe et Realite, Addenda I - III (juillet 2000- octobre 2002) (n.p.: Prosopographica et Genealogica, 2002).
Other notable films in which Meurisse appeared include Julien Duvivier's inquisitorial and oppressive Marie-Octobre (1959), Jean Renoir's Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe (1959), Clouzot's courtroom drama La Vérité (1960) and crime thriller Le deuxième souffle (1966).