Chief Executive Officer | chief executive officer | Chief executive officer | friendly | General officer | Casper the Friendly Ghost | Commanding Officer | police officer | non-commissioned officer | Chief Operating Officer | Chief operating officer | general officer | Chief Financial Officer | Officer Candidate School | Foreign Service Officer | Non-commissioned officer | Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy | Friendly Fires | friendly fire | commissioned officer | commanding officer | Radio-Friendly Pop Song | Police officer | executive officer | Authorised Firearms Officer | Second Officer | John Pope (military officer) | Fort Des Moines Provisional Army Officer Training School | environmentally friendly | Commissioned officer |
Twisted Issues is a 1988 splatter film billed as a 'psycho-punk splatter-comedy,' It featured Gainesville, Florida punk bands such as Psychic Violents, Young Pioneers, Mutley Chix, Doldrums, Just Demi-gods, Cindy Brady's Lisp, Officer Friendly, and the Smegmas, as well as local speed metal band Hellwitch avante gard incidental music by The Bill Perry Orchestra.