
unusual facts about Official Opposition

see also

22nd New Zealand Parliament

But with National (Liberal) having 11 seats plus two Liberal-leaning independents and Labour 12, Labour realised their chance to be the official Opposition, "threw their all" into the contest, and became the official Opposition; helped by Ellen Melville standing as Independent Reform.

26th Quebec Legislature

The Union Nationale, which had previously governed for more than 15 years, formed the official opposition under successive interim leaders Yves Prévost and Antonio Talbot, and then under Daniel Johnson, Sr. The Legislature lasted only two years as Lesage called the 1962 election as a referendum for the nationalization of hydroelectricity under Hydro-Québec.

Brazilian Democratic Movement Party

Under military rule from 1965 to 1979, Brazil had a legally enforced two party system, with supporters of the regime gathered under the National Renewal Alliance Party (ARENA) umbrella, and the official opposition making up the MDB.

Don Boudria

Boudria defeated Progressive Conservative incumbent Joseph Albert Bélanger by 5,172 votes in Prescott and Russell, and served in the legislature for three years as a member the Ontario Liberal Party, which was then the official opposition to the Progressive Conservative government of William Davis.

Dwight Ball

He succeeds Kevin Aylward, who failed to win a seat in the general election, as leader of the Liberal Party and Yvonne Jones as the Official Opposition Leader.

Harvard Law Review

Robert Stanfield, former Premier of the Province of Nova Scotia, and former leader of Canada's Official Opposition.

Michelle Mungall

In the 39th Parliament, with the New Democrats as the Official Opposition, party leader Carole James assigned Mungall the role of deputy critic to Dawn Black on Advanced Education, where Moira Stilwell was the minister.

Richard Décarie

Richard Décarie is a Strategy Communication Consultant who was Deputy Chief of Staff of the Leader of the Official Opposition Conservative Party of Canada, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, at the Canadian House of Commons.