Though versions or lodges of this fraternal group are found among the various types of Yoruba polities - from highly-centralized kingdoms and empires like Oyo, to the independent towns and villages of the Ègbá and the Èkiti(EDO)benin city) - the Ogboni are recognizable for their veneration of the personified earth (Ilè or Odua) and their emphasis on both gerontocratic authority and benevolent service to the community.
Its members are generally considered to be part of the nobility of the various Yoruba kingdoms of West Africa.
Though, the Owus had associated themselves with the secretive Ogboni culture for over a century, they nonetheless do not have any Ogboni house and do not operate according to Ogboni tenets.
The Owus do not have an Oluwo (Ogboni Head Chief) and do not hold Ogboni assemblies.
The Olowu of Owu, Oba (King) Dr. Olusanya Adegboyega Dosunmu II (Amuroro Ruling House) ended the conferment of Ogboni traditional titles in Owu Abeokuta because the Ogboni culture is alien to Owu culture.
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