
5 unusual facts about Oglala Lakota

Ledger art

Dwayne Wilcox (Oglala Lakota) uses the style of 19th-century Lakota painters to express humorous views of modern realities for Lakota people.


Oglala Lakota, or Oglala Sioux, a Sioux Nation sub-band of the Western division (Lakota)

Oglala Lakota

In 1902, with his wife Nellie and their children, Standing Bear joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and traveled through England for eleven months.

The Mystic Warrior

Using as her main source a full-blooded Sioux named Chunksa Yuha, Hill fashioned what amounted to a Native American version of Roots, chronicling the history of the Matho tribe of the Oglala Lakota Sioux.

West Brompton

The Oglala Sioux Native Americans, Surrounded By the Enemy and Red Penny are buried in Brompton Cemetery.

Eugene Buechel

Eugene Buechel (Eugen Büchel), * October 20, 1874 in Schleida, now Schleid, in Thuringia, Germany, † October 27, 1954 in O'Neill, Nebraska, United States, was a Roman Catholic priest and missionary, linguist and anthropologist among the Brulé or Sicangu Lakota or Sioux on the Rosebud Indian Reservation and the related Oglala Lakota or Sioux on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

Moses Brings Plenty

Moses Brings Plenty was one of the experts who tested/displayed the weapons and tactics used by Oglala Lakota war leader Crazy Horse on an episode in the third season of Spike TV's Deadliest Warrior.

Pawnee Scouts

A "severe" engagement took place near Plum Creek Station, Nebraska, on August 22, in which Major North and forty-two of the scouts engaged 150 Oglala Sioux and Cheyenne warriors who had destroyed a train on August 6, killing seven settlers and taking a large amount of private property.

Tribal colleges and universities

The Native American Journalists Association (NAJA), founded by the Oglala Lakota Tim Giago, has a foundation offering scholarships and internships to American Indian students in journalism.

see also

American Horse

Blue Horse, American Horse, Three Bears and Red Shirt all served as U.S. Army Indian Scouts with U.S. 4th Cavalry Regiment; were first Oglala Lakota to send their children to the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, for a formal education; all led Lakota delegations to Washington, D.C.; and went Wild Westing with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West.

The Wagluhe were the first Oglala Lakota to send their children to the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, for a formal education, and the first to go Wild Westing with Col. "Buffalo Bill" Cody and his Wild West.

Frank Crow

Frank Fools Crow (died 1989), Oglala Lakota spiritual leader, Yuwipi medicine man, and the nephew of Black Elk

Luther Standing Bear

In 1879, Oglala Lakota leaders Chief Blue Horse, Chief American Horse and Chief Red Shirt enrolled their children in the first class at Carlisle.

Wild Westing

Six famous Native American Chiefs, Geronimo (Apache), Quanah Parker (Comanche), Buckskin Charlie (Ute), American Horse (Oglala Lakota), Hollow Horn Bear (Sicangu Lakota) and Little Plume (Blackfeet), met in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, to rehearse the parade with the Carlisle Cadets and Band.