
14 unusual facts about Oktoberfest

Bernd Schmitt

The branding course is also offered every year as a seminar during the Oktoberfest in Munich.

Calamuchita Department

To the north and up the sierras, the town of Villa General Belgrano is well known for its European Alpine look and its Oktoberfest (locally known simply Fiesta de la Cerveza, Beer Festival).

Crespo, Entre Ríos

The town's German heritage is reflected in the annual beer festival, based on the Oktoberfest but held in January.


Each year, the citizens of Igrejinha and visitors from the region celebrate Oktoberfest.

Il canto sospeso

A terror bombing at the Munich Oktoberfest on 26 September 1980 killed 13 people and injured more than 200 others.

Lindsay, Cooke County, Texas

The town of Lindsay has maintained some German traditions, including an annual Oktoberfest.

Megan Kalmoe

Her future ambitions include visiting the world's largest and most celebrated parties, including Carnival, Mardi Gras, New Year's Eve on Times Square, Oktoberfest, and the Super Bowl.

Oktötenfest 2006

"Oktötenfest 2006" (a sidekick to Oktoberfest and the German word töten, for to kill) is a single by the industrial band Hanzel und Gretyl.

Santa Cruz do Sul

Each year, the citizens of Santa Cruz do Sul and visitors from the region celebrate Oktoberfest.

Saskatchewan German Council

Member programs include choirs, dance groups, German language programs, a book club, a German-speaking radio program, arts and crafts programs, movie viewings and special events during the holiday seasons, such as a traditional German Christmas Market, Christmas Concerts, Oktoberfest activities, and Carnival.

Unicoi State Park

Georgia 75 Alt allows visitors coming from the south via Cleveland, Georgia to bypass the massive traffic jams on 75 through the town during weekends, holidays, and Oktoberfest.

Union Avenue Historic Commercial District

Annual events held in the district include the "B Street Bash" in late spring, Oktoberfest in September, and the autumn Pueblo Chile and Frioles festival.

Viva Colonia

For example, during carnival and during Oktoberfest in Munich, Bavaria, the song remains essentially the same except "Viva Bavaria!" is substituted for "Viva Colonia!"

Wann wird's mal wieder richtig Sommer?

Together with the movie producer Andreas Habermeyer she covered the hit from Rudi Carrell for the Oktoberfest 2009 in Munich.

Accounting for Lawyers

Knowing that Jeff has gone off to spend time with Alan, Chang (Ken Jeong) tries to persuade the group to let him join their team to compete in the school's Pop 'n' Lock-a-thon competition for their diversified Oktoberfest celebrations.

Andwells Brewery

Andwell's supplied the first Hampshire Oktoberfest, run by CAMRA in October 2009.

Architecture of Munich

The Bavaria statue (German just 'Bavaria') is a bronze-cast statue of a female figure representing Bavaria's "secular patron saint", the Tellus (Mater) Bavarica ("goddess of the land of Bavaria"), located at the border of the Theresienwiese, in the southwest of the inner city where the Oktoberfest takes place.

Delaware Sängerbund

There, the first Oktoberfest was celebrated as a wedding festival of the Bavarian crown prince Ludwig on October 12, 1810.

The Delaware Sängerbund Oktoberfest is named after the widely known festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria.

Frankenmuth, Michigan

Frankenmuth is the first Oktoberfest outside of Munich to be sanctioned by the Parliament and the City of Munich.


The most significant period for tourism is during Oktoberfest, a traditional Bavarian beer festival, which sold 186,000 tickets at its pavilions in 2005—at which 209,561 liters of beer were drunk.

Jenna Edwards

In 2000 she won the Miss Oktoberfest pageant, beating future Miss USA titleholder Shandi Finnessey.

Oktoberfest of Blumenau

The Oktoberfest of Blumenau was created at 1984, after a big flooding of Itajaí-Açu river, with the objective of recuperating the city's economy and raising the morale of its inhabitants.

Wipe Out Kids Cancer

Runners enjoy cash prizes from Amica Insurance, families enjoy a post-race party featuring Eddie Coker, and everyone receives free entry to Addison's Oktoberfest with registration.

WOKC's mainstay event is the Tom Thumb Run for the Children Fun Run and Addison Oktoberfest 5K, which is held in conjunction with the Town of Addison’s Oktoberfest celebration in September.